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Special Features

Come to the backyard of Taiwan, and get to the rest of the world.

In the age of globalization, Taitung is not far and the US is close by. To those with abilities and desires to challenge, the peripheral can be the core. Despite locating at “the backyard of Taiwan”, the departments and graduate institutes of National Taitung University are well planned with unique characteristics. Apart from outstanding courses on teachers’ qualification from former teachers college, NTTU also develops Taiwan’s only Graduate Institute of Children’s Literature and the Department of Cultural Resources and Leisure Industries. In 2008, NTTU received funding from the Ministry of Education for Teaching Excellence. Studying in Taitung not only enjoys the beautiful scenery, but also broadens students’ horizons with a wide range of scholarships and domestic student exchange programs. We bring out the best in tomorrow’s leaders to stand taller and look further ahead. 

International Exchange Programs

The NTTU has sister school arrangements with University of the West in the US, Sunchon National University in Korea, Sendai University in Japan, Vietnam National University-Ho Chi Minh City, and University of Social Sciences & Humanities in Vietnam to provide opportunities for students to study abroad on exchange student programs. Each year, 35 students are awarded a scholarship of NT$20,000 – NT$80,000 for short-term exchanges during the summer, and 9 students are subsidized up to NT$300,000 for full-time exchanges for one semester or one year. 

Domestic Student Exchanges: A Pioneering First

Apart from providing students opportunities to study abroad through student exchange programs, we are also the first in Taiwan to provide “domestic students exchanges” for students of NTTU to study at other renowned universities in Taiwan for one year. Successful applicants are able to fulfill their four year studies at two universities, this includes more opportunities to learn from different professors and to get to meet more friends while broadening students’ horizon. To date, there are 10 universities around Taiwan in the exchange program, namely NTTU, National Cheng Kung University, National Central University, National Chung Hsing University, ShihChien University in Kaohsiung, Taipei National University of the Arts, Tunghai University, National Chengchi University, Fu Jen Catholic University and National Taichung University.

Striving for Outstanding International Students to Taitung

For students who have no experience in overseas study, international students on campus provide them a way to meet other cultures and stimulate local students to walk out to the world. With the increase of foreign students at NTTU, academic departments and administration offices have actively enhanced teaching and service efficiency. NTTU has been keen on inviting outstanding foreign students from abroad with favorable conditions, which in turn stimulated the growth of foreign students. NTTU provides unprecedented opportunities for students to go global and invite world excellence to Taitung.